First variation guns are in the 01-035 serial number range and will have the pre-1940 'lazy' c/n proof. This experimental series was made to meet strict German military requirements.
Discussion in 'Handguns: Autoloaders' started by saazhops, Aug 24, 2011. Walther pp interarms serial numbers, walther ppk serial number lookup. There was a finish that Walther used called Nivel that looked like stainless but isnt. There arent any 'Stainless' until Ranger started manufacture. Date should be on the barrel at the ejection port.
HTH Alec Firstly a request for any more Walther numbers to fill in some of the gaps. Small correction to number sequence, in March 1970 I bought a 35D/L serial number 396394, so would suggest number 400000 to be late 1970/early 71.Gangarosa's book, which came out in 1999, will have information that is more current. Keep in mind Hoffschmidt's book was written circa 1975, so it will have information that is more dated. Hoffschmidt's 'Know Your Walther PP & PPK' or Gene Gangarosa's 'The Walther Handgun Story: A Collector's and Shooter's Guide.' Either one of these books will contain an index of serial numbers for Walther guns.